Greater New York City, Long Island, the Hudson Valley, and beyond. Founded in 2006, Allied Physicians Group is a recognized leader in increasing healthcare efficiencies and patient satisfaction, emphasizing support, innovation, and collaboration. If you are looking for a Pediatrician near you click here or for more information please visit
This webinar addresses the behavioral and emotional concerns of our children and families as we head back to school.
The speakers of this webinar include:
Kerry Fierstein, MD, CEO of Allied Physicians Group, Practicing Pediatrician
Brianna Fava, Ph.D, Child and Adolescent Psychologist
Anthony Dattero, School Guidance Counselor
Patricia Donovan, Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Marc Lashley, MD, Practicing Pediatrician
James Parles, MD, Practicing Pediatrician who dedicated his practice to children and adolescents with mental and behavioral conditions.
Allied Physicians Group is a partnership of more than 150 dedicated, caring physicians and 350 highly trained support staff. Allied serves over 180,000 patients with offices throughout Logo link to homepage Allied Physicians Group