Bruce Gerberg, MD
Dr. Bruce Gerberg has been practicing pediatric medicine in Huntington for 22 years. In 2020 he relocated to Duke University where he practiced pediatric urgent care medicine for 1 1/2 years. Dr. Gerberg returned to Huntington after realizing how much he missed his friends, family, and patients. Dr. Gerberg was born in Queens, grew up in Venezuela, and moved back to the States where he attended high school and university. He speaks both English and Spanish fluently. His medical interests vary from urgent pediatric procedures and emergencies, ADHD, depression and anxiety, nutrition, and working with children and their families with special needs. Dr. Gerberg completed his residency at Schneider’s Children’s Hospital (now Cohen’s Children’s Medical Center) and stayed on as chief resident before starting a private practice in Huntington. Dr. Gerberg served as Chair of Pediatrics at Huntington Hospital for 5 years and remains involved in the pediatric hospitalist program taking care of newborns and patients at Huntington Hospital. In his spare time, he loves to spend time with his family going to the beach, playing ball, and enjoying all that Long Island has to offer. Dr. Gerberg lives in Huntington with his wife Nicole and 6 children, all of whom were born in Huntington Hospital.