Video Category: 1-Minute Weekly Advice
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Link to 1-Minute Weekly Advice: Strep Throat video.
1-Minute Weekly Advice: Strep Throat
The strep virus is a painful throat virus that can spread pretty quickly if left untreated. Dr. Dan breaks down the causes and symptoms of strep throat, and how it’s treated it in this weeks one-minute weekly!
Learn More about 1-Minute Weekly Advice: Strep Throat
Link to 1-Minute Weekly Advice: Bicycle Safety video.
1-Minute Weekly Advice: Bicycle Safety
It’s extremely important to always wear a helmet while riding a bike, no matter how silly you think you may look. Wearing a helmet can significantly reduce the chance of a head injury – Dr. Dan breaks it down in this week’s 1-Minute Weekly!
Learn More about 1-Minute Weekly Advice: Bicycle Safety